Quality Assurance Process for Online Panel

Quality Assurance Process for Online Panel
In the ever-evolving landscape of online research, safeguarding the integrity of data and ensuring the authenticity of panelists are paramount. At Asia Monitor Group, we have implemented a robust framework for online panel security that combines stringent verification steps, fraud prevention measures, and technical solutions to maintain the highest standards of quality and reliability.
Verification Steps for Panelists
Our verification process is a multi-faceted approach designed to validate the information provided by prospective panelists during registration. This includes scrutinizing details such as physical addresses, phone numbers, and government IDs. We leave no stone unturned in ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of our panelists.
Prevention and Detection of Fraudulent Registrations
Upon Registration
- System checks are initiated for email addresses, device IDs, and IP addresses.
- Panel managers meticulously review personal information, including names, addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and dates of birth.
Post-Registration Cleaning
- Our commitment to data integrity continues beyond registration. We conduct regular panel cleaning and maintenance, ensuring that registrants who violate our terms are excluded from future surveys.
- Duplicate responses are blocked, preventing the same panelist from participating in multiple surveys.
- To identify fraudulent respondents, we employ trap surveys, both as part of routine and ad-hoc projects.
Technical Measures to Prevent and Minimize Fraud
Our technical arsenal is geared toward mitigating fraud and preserving data accuracy:
- Device Fingerprinting: This advanced technology ensures that only one conversion per device ID is accepted, thwarting any attempts at survey stuffing. Even if IP addresses change, we can track the same device.
- Digital Fingerprinting: This cutting-edge solution prevents participants from joining a research project more than once, ensuring the reliability of results and reducing research costs.
- Validation of Zip Codes and Phone Numbers: Inconsistencies between zip codes and phone numbers are a telltale sign of potentially fraudulent activity. We also validate phone numbers to differentiate between VOIP or digital lines frequently used for malicious purposes.
- Email Address Validation: We utilize an API endpoint to validate email addresses, flagging those with a history of abusive behavior.
- Participant Name Validation: Names of incentive claimants are rigorously cross-checked with our panelists. Surveys with mismatched names are promptly removed, preserving the integrity of our data.
- Re-Screening: We perform periodic re-screening of our panelists, verifying key demographic variables such as age, gender, marital status, and region.
Our online panel security measures are a testament to our unwavering commitment to data quality, client trust, and research excellence. Rest assured, when you partner with Asia Monitor Group, you’re harnessing the power of data with integrity.